About Club
Orienteering club Tivoli (hereinafter OKT) was first registered in 1988, and then twice changed the registration. In 1998 due to the requirements of the new legislation on associations and in 2002 due to change of address of the association. In 2002, club became an association in the public interest, but it has not been extended yet at the end.
OKT is a member of the Sports Association of Ljubljana.
In its basic act OKT wrote that it is a voluntary, non-profit and independent association of sportsmen and supporters of sport in order to perform sporting activities with the following objectives:
- take care of the mass and popularization of orienteering, orienteering and other related sports activities among the locals, especially among young people, and on the basis of their voluntary decision to attract the membership;
- take care of quality preparation of top competitors and other sportsmen who compete, and strive to raise the quality of the members;
- provide and develop in its members the development of character virtues such as creativity, a sense of community work, comradeship, discipline, being modest, self-criticism, accuracy;
Že v svoj temeljni akt je OKT zapisal, da je prostovoljno, nepridobitno in samostojno združenje športnikov in simpatizerjev športa z namenom izvajanja športnih dejavnosti z naslednjimi cilji:
- skrbeti za množičnost in popularizacijo orientacijskega teka, sorodnih orientacijskih in drugih športnih dejavnosti med krajani, predvsem med mladino, in jih na podlagi njihove prostovoljne odločitve pritegniti v članstvo;
- skrbeti za kvalitetno pripravo vrhunskih tekmovalcev in ostalih športnikov, ki tekmujejo, ter si prizadevati za dvig kvalitete pri članih;
- posredovati in razvijati pri svojih članih razvoj karakternih vrlin kot so ustvarjalnost, občutek za delo v skupnosti, tovarištvo, disciplina, skromnost, samokritičnost, točnost;
- educate their members in the spirit of fair play.
OK Tivoli Authorities
President: Andreja Anžur
Secretary and Treasurer: Ana Pribaković Borštnik
The Supervisory Board: Roman Volčič, Miro Cvirn, Aleš Ferenc
The Disciplinary Board: Aleš Borštnik, Andrej Borštnik, Miro Cvirn
Orienteering Coaches: Aleš Ferenc, Jan Dovč, Andrej Borštnik, Ana Pribaković Borštnik (all completed a course in 2012), Andreja Anžur
OKT had 31 members in 2012.
OKT maintains its own website www.oktivoli.si and has email address ok.tivoli@gmail.com.